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Through My Eyes

(this page is work in progress...) I was born and raised in Mexico, in a small town in the outskirts of Guadalajara, Colonia Jalisco, it’s called. I currently reside in the States. I travel often. I have been to just about every country and some less popular cities but nevertheless amazing and thirsty to be discovered. I can’t tell you which place I liked most. I feel bad to say that I can’t recall all the places I have visited. I will have to look into my history and hope it’s still there. From all the cities that I have visited; I have not met one single person. I see them all around, but never their face. I can’r talk to them, even if I’d like to. However, I don’t believe in creating new friendships because friendships just as any relationship must be nourished and well --I don’t have time for that. I still have many places to visit. I don’t have time to engage in any conversations since I will have to leave again and travel to a new place: a new adventure. I noticed how people
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